- Automatic reminders to pay Estimated Taxes
when due
- Automatic calculation of Estimated taxes
based on outside income and practice gains/losses
- Automatic recording of Estimated tax check
- Automatic reminders to pay monthly (or
semi weekly) 941 Payroll Taxes
- Automatic calculation and recording of
941 Check
- Automatic recording and calculation of
940 Federal Unemployment Taxes
- Automatic calculation and recording of
State Income and Unemployment Taxes
- Collect and pay sales taxes with different
rates allowed for goods and services
- Complete quarterly 941 and annual 940 forms
in just a few minutes
- Print year end Government and Employee
copies of W3 and W2s
- Complete annual business taxes (sole proprietor,
corporate and partnership) using simplified expense summaries,
balance sheets, accounts receivable (even mileage) screens and
reports. Take the reports to an accountant, or do it yourself
(you’ll find that you’ve been paying someone too much to do
something that’s too easy)