Products & Services

Work Smarter... More Profits!
Teleo Practice Services is dedicated to making your business a success. The typical health care practitioner has consistently evaluated the success of their business by its gross receipt income. Unfortunately, this is only a measure of how hard they are working. The real success comes from what is left over after the bills get paid. We think that working smart beats working hard.

Information is the Key
As Corporate America has known for over a decade, Information Technology plays a primary role in working smarter. Whether it be keeping the schedule full, insuring that your equipment is properly cared for or that adequate supplies are on hand, information is fundamental in managing your business. Without information, you cannot correctly market yourself, you will not be able to supervise your expenditures and you will leave yourself vulnerable to dishonesty and litigation.

Teleo Practice Services provides you with the software and services you need to create and manage an extremely profitable practice. Our primary focus is The Complete Practitioner, a unique practice management system that provides a comprehensive view of the entire practice. In addition to the patient treatment aspects that conventional software is known for, it allows you to manage such diverse areas as equipment maintenance, supply ordering, employee payroll and business taxes. We can help to create and manage a network of computers, so that the information is where you need it- and you can communicate throughout your office using our software-based voiceless intercom system.

Consultants With Real Experience
Beyond just managing information, we come to you with the knowledge and experience necessary for complete success. Most practice management consultants have never owned a practice. Often, their practical experience is limited to the front office. We not only are practice owners, we started the practice from scratch and in less than five years have built it to produce 50% more NET income than the average practice...and we only see patients four days a week! Whether it is treatment plan acceptance, insurance issues or advertising, we can provide the expertise you need to operate efficiently and profitably.

At Your Service
We offer flexibility regarding the delivery of our services. You may choose to have us visit your site or you may come to our location in Southwestern Florida. Many services, including training in the use of The Complete Practitioner and Microsoft Windows NT/2000, as well as computer network administration can be performed remotely, via a modem connection to your office.

Become A Complete Practitioner
We believe that our products and services provide "the absolute standard of care for your practice". We can help increase revenue, reduce costs and lower your stress level. We represent a new paradigm in practice management. Contact us, and we'll help you to become a "Complete Practitioner".


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Teleo Practice Services, Inc.
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Phone: (941) 505-1583